Sunday, March 8, 2015

It's not the snoring....

I may have to sleep in a separate bedroom tonight

    I ate too much chili at our church's chili cook off today.
    I may be a new energy source, but I don't think I am renewable.
    I don't want to get too personal, or provide too much information, but lighting a match around my ass may not be a good idea for the next few days.
    I believe there were 8 different chili selections, including three white chilies, a couple of vegetarian, an ox tail chili, and a couple of beef chili dishes.
    I tried all of them and voted with my taste buds.
My white chicken chili looked more like a soup than a chili.  It was a bit watery.  And I forgot the cheese topping.  My chili was next to the winning entry, a vegetarian chili with an Indian spice that had quite a kick.
     Next to does not translate into votes.
     I didn't get any votes!  Zero!! Zilch!! Nada!!
     Even my own!  I voted for a competitor because it looked, and tasted, a bit better than mine.  Jackie opted for one of the beef concoctions.
     I brought home a huge crock pot of chili and Jackie does not like it, because it has chicken.
     So I figured, I'll have chili for supper.  It was much better wasn't as watery, because when I nuked it, some of the water must have evaporated.  Ok, I might have done it too long because some of the chicken exploded too.  I had to clean the microwave.
     And probably have chili for lunch tomorrow.
     And supper Tuesday.
     And lunch Wednesday.
     Now I am heading for the Tums.........
     Wonder if I can freeze it for use later.  You know, after the windows can be opened, if you get my drift.
     But it was a fun fact, you might even call it a gas!

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