Friday, March 6, 2015

I think I am feeling a little chili

I am making chili tomorrow

     Our church in DeKalb has a chili cook off in the mid Lenten season.  After sitting out of the cooking for years, I decided this year to make some chili.
     It used to be called the men's chili cook off.  But several hundred years ago, the men stopped producing plus it put it in a pretty sexist light.  The idea was, the men were treating their wives to a day of chili and excess burping.  You are welcome.
     So for the last week I have had my mind set on a Wild Buffalo Bill Chili.  It would be a little spicy, but not too hot.  And the secret ingredient....buffalo!
     Being an idiot, I gave no thought of how to procure ground buffalo meat, but I remember Woodman's in Rockford sells it.  So I assumed the Woodman's on Orchard Road would sell it also.         On my way home from the zoo, I made a detour at Orchard Road.
     And sure enough, there is a little freezer with buffalo meat.  Steaks, pre-formed burgers, roasts, ground buffalo.
     That's when the trouble began.
     Years ago friend Bethy and husband sold buffalo.  It was good.  I bought some steaks, some ground beef, and liked it.  At Wrigley they have a buffalo burger in one of the grills.  Good meat.    Tasty meat.
     Expensive meat.
     Quiz time:  How much does a pound of ground buffalo cost?
     My character in the upcoming play is a handyman who is a little unbalanced. When he answers some questions, he buzzes in, like a game show.
Humor me.
     $11.99 a pound.
     I about dropped a buffalo steak right there in the store.
     I figured I needed 2 pounds, so I opted for white chicken chili instead.
     It will be good, just not unique.
     And Julie, if you are reading this, be prepared to be dethroned.  I am bringing my highly disorgaznized A game this year.  Just need to find those chili peppers.
     Bon appetite!

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