Wednesday, March 11, 2015

life stinks, sometimes

No, I am not having a bad day

     But I smelled a skunk on the way home.  To me, that is always a sign of spring....skunks coming out and roaming the countryside, often getting flattened by cars while exacting their revenge in a stream of mayhem.
     Oh yes, I used to think they were cute little devils.  Pepe Le Pew was a darling toon character.
But in real life, they are pretty smelly.
     I read somewhere that you can smell one a mile away!  That's almost as bad as a politician!  But at least a skunk won't grab your wallet and claim it as their own.
(If I was a congressman, like the guy from Peoria, I would do the same thing he has done:  private jets, exotic trips, redecorated office, hiking in South America, conferences in Paris..... a dream life, and he isn't paying for any of it!  Taxpayers and contributors foot his bill.  We should all be congressmen for a day!)
     But I digress.
     It seems Emily hit a skunk once in her car.  Now that is a smell that lingers for a while.
They smell like burnt rubber.  I almost want to vomit when I am close to the stench, but the farther away I get, it doesn't bother me so much.
     In fact, I kind of like it.
     When I was a pea picker for Del Monte, (don't laugh...piked peas for three summers) we would pile in the van at 6 a.m. and head out to the fields.  We were passing by a pig farm and the smell brought tears to every one's eyes.
     "Know what that smell is?" yelled the driver.
     "We all answered, "Pig manure."
     "No," he chuckled, "that's the smell of money."
     Alas, what may be true for pigs doesn't ring up the same odor for skunks.

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