Sunday, March 1, 2015

ahhhh.... a delicious dinner

Emily and John came for dinner tonight

     I have had an ongoing debate with spouse about the IKEA frozen meatballs I bought at Christmas.
     Christmas 2013.  They have been frozen and the package is stamped, "For best results, use by November 2014."
    There are a lot of meatballs in a bag.  So I suggested we invite Emily and John for dinner, with the understanding if the meat balls don't taste right, we'll order pizza.
     Jackie also volunteered to make 37 calorie brownies from a recipe she found on line.
     Dinner was great!  The meatballs were wonderful, the lingenberries were tasty, the special sauce just right,  a freshly baked loaf of bread and some broccoli rounded out the meal.  A nice, full bodied red was presented and consumed.
     All in all it was a good meal.
     I got the 37 calorie brownies and brought them out.
     This was an innovative recipe:  Splenda instead of sugar, rolled oats, apple sauce along with cocoa and an egg produced a yummy looking platter of brownies.
     I took one, John took one, Jackie took one.
     John took a bike, I took a bite, Jackie took a bite.
     We sat chewing and Emily rejoined us and took her brownie.
     She took a bite....and promptly spit it out,
    "My god, what is this?"  she managed to croak out at Jackie.
     Wife was very calmly chewing her little bit of brownie.  "I don't think they are bad," she said, her taste buds obviously on some sort of acid high.
      Up until his point, John and I were being polite.  We were also washing the brownies down with the red, which slightly improved the taste.
     Then Jackie took a larger bite.
     "Holy cow, these are terrible!" she said, her taste buds now reawakened.
     And friends, they were.
     How bad were they?
     Even I, the king of trash eaters, could not bear to eat more than one.  I was the only one of the four to actually finish an entire brownie.
     The rest went into the trash.
     Lesson for the day:  37 calorie brownies are not worth the effort.
     But IKEA meatballs are.

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