Sunday, March 15, 2015

where do old National Geographics go?

National Geographic is my favorite magazine

     When I was young, I used to just look for the naked native pictures.  But I have matured since then.  Not much, but a little, anyway.
     Also when I was young, I would look at the articles and pictures and imagine myself going there.
     Some places we have gone to, but many we have not.
     Each issue brings a new pleasure and new information.  Actual critters that are zombies.  The tragedy on Mt. Everest.  The fear shown on the faces of  refugees from war torn Syria.  Or the Ukraine.  The argument against science.  Always something to make me think, or  a picture to amaze me.  Sometimes there are even answers to questions I didn't know I had until I read the magazine.
     Even little George Bailey in Bedford Falls was an avid reader of the magazine.  He was even invited to join the new society!
     There is a price to pay.  Besides the desire to go to places described or photographed in the magazine, there is the problem of what to do with them when I am done.
     I hate to throw them out, but I can't keep them.  (Yes, read that again....I can't keep them!  I said it!)
      I used to have a friend at the zoo who took old ones and read them....but she has moved on up the organizational ranks and I never see her anymore.
     I guess I will take them to the zoo....if nothing else, we can cut the pictures of animals out and use them in craft projects.
     But I will call dibs on the naked natives.  After all, one has to keep a youthful frame of mind.

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