Monday, March 30, 2015

wow.......this is confusing

I can't seem to figure this out

     This being adding ads to the blog to "monetize the  effort."
     I have read the material a couple of times, and to be honest, it confuses me!  Maybe tomorrow I will figure it out....but I am not too sure about that.
     I seem to be a little unfocused lately.
     For instance, put the gas grill away last night but did not turn it off.  So this morning, the garage was full of smoke and the smell of burning meat.  There was no meat on the grill, but there was some crud on the grill that burned off overnight.
     The cars have that nice newly grilled smell.
     I am just lucky I did not burn the house down.  That is a nightmare....I don't know if I could get Jackie out fast enough!
     Tonight I used the grill to actually cook.  I was pleasantly surprised there was gas left.
     I had to use the grill because the oven does not seem to work properly.
    We ran the self cleaning feature last week for the first time.  The oven is now beautiful.  But the fan doesn't run inside and it makes a loud rumbling noise, so no oven until a repair is made.
     So I cooked some meat outside.  Then I put the seasonings away.  Jackie started laughing and made that little come here motion.  I went over and she pointed to the cereal shelf, and there were the seasonings.  Wrong place, wrong cabinet.
     I did not do any of my tasks today.  In fact, I fell asleep about 11 and slept until a little past noon.
     That's my story.  It's not a pretty one, but I am sticking to it.

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