Wednesday, March 18, 2015

and the curtain rises.....

We  did a dress rehearsal tonight

     Ok, I skipped a couple of lines.  And I forgot my prop.  And I jumped another actor's lines.  And I may have gone on stage in a little state of distraction.
    It's funny how one small mistake rolls downhill and becomes a giant snowman at the bottom!  I jump a line, forget a prop, and suddenly I am lost!
     But it happens to I don't feel so bad.
     I told myself at one point, look forward, not behind.
     That's the beauty of live theater.  It never goes the same way twice.
     One night the audience will laugh at a joke, another night they will be absolutely silent.  One night a prop is there, the next night it is missing. You never know.
     If you are in the audience, you better pay attention, because there is no replay button on a live performance.
     I am tired.  I think the adrenaline causes a sudden drop in energy.  All the energy that gets used on stage must come from a resource deep inside the human body.
In any case, if you are not doing anything over the next two weekends. check out Wrong Window!   And yes, the exclamation point is part of the title, which I did not realize until this week.  I have looked at the script several times, never noticing the ! in the title.
     Speaking of the script, my script is a security blanket.  I carry it with me all during the show, except when I am onstage.  It is torn, folded, bent, mutilated, pages are falling out, a cover is missing..... in other words, it has been used.
      Come see the show.  You will laugh.

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