Saturday, March 7, 2015

cleanliness is next to.......

Our kitchen nook table is clean

     It has been clean for four days.  Jackie and I, but mainly Jackie, made a point to pick up all the papers and put them someplace else.
     Dishes get cleared.  Cups get cleared.  Books get put away.  My stack of unfinished crossword puzzles gets moved off the table
     (OK, I am nuts.  I have at least 7 issues of the Sunday Tribune crossword puzzle section on a clip board.  I plan to go back and correct the unfinished puzzles. It is a matter of curiosity....which we all know killed a cat.  But I find myself wondering about words and phrases I am not familiar with.  Today, for instance, I discovered a resident of Riga could be called a Lett.  I googled that.  Someday that may come in useful, and it is the kind of information I tend to oddly remember.)
     I can't deal with paperwork.  When I worked at the newspaper, I always had a stack of news releases to "go through" and "localize."  About every six months I would toss the mess.  At school, I always had two or three piles of papers.....paper to grade, reports to read, articles to read, ideas for the classroom.  I always took care of the grading part....and usually in June tossed all the others, included the occasional report I was supposed to fill out.
     So for me, keeping the table clean is a huge achievement.
     OK, most of the stuff did end up on the computer desk or the ledge above the sink...but that is our next target.
     I have a stack of magazines to read, a stack of magazines I have read but want to cut out pictures from, a stack of catalogs, my crosswords, and paper.....just odd notes, letters, ads.
     Someday I will be clutter free.
     I probably won't be breathing, but I will be clutter free.

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