Tuesday, March 24, 2015

well, I have done it

I signed up for advertising on this blog

     I have been meaning to do it....but I am afraid some people might be offended.  So, I apologize.  If ads suddenly appear in the blog, and it really bothers you to the point you stop reading, let me know and I will change my errant ways.
     This blog has taken a life of its own.
     It started as a one year exercise in self control and perseverance.
     After one year, I still can't pass up chocolate, cookies, or anything sweet or french fries....so much for self control.
     However, I have managed to do one full year of daily blogging.  At the end of the year, I thought I would stop....but I think I am addicted.  I have only missed two days this year, both times because I was tired an out of ideas.
     I still have not finished a book, but I am doing two columns a month for the Rochelle paper, plus publicity stories for VCCT and our current play....so sometimes I feel written out.
     I do wonder why I spend so much of my time complaining about wasting time, and not enough time changing my ways.  l'm still fat.  I am still sorting pictures from my school years.  I am still trying to learn French.
     So bear with me.  Or is it bare with me?  Sometimes I get confused.
     And if you have suggestions or stories to share, please don't hesitate to comment.
     I also notice I have 231 friends on Facebook, and about 100 friend requests which I have not acted on for some reason.  231 friends.  I think that's pretty cool!

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