Thursday, March 5, 2015

8 is enough

No, I am not talking about tv shows

     In a feeble attempt to organize myself, I have taken to using notebooks.
     A notebook for Rotary.  One for health issues.  Another for a church committee.
     You get the picture.
     Problem is, when I need the notebook, I can't find it.  So I grab another notebook and use that.
     I have notebooks up the Wazoo, which is not a river in Florida.
     So today I made a decision.  From now on, I will use one notebook for everything.  Rotary?  Church?  Museum? Zoo?  All the notes and scribbles will go in one notebook.
     Books to read?  Movies to watch?  Things to do?
     All in one notebook.
     We used to have a notebook for Exit 99 that Carrie referred to as "The Bible."  Whenever we talked about a game, or a game idea, or a show, she would whip out the bible and look it up.
      I can't call mine the same,  because I have to be original.
      So it will be TNCATIHTIE...or Cat for short.
     That way all my information will be in one place.  Sure, I may have to flip pages from time to time. to find the information.  And if I use up the notebook for one topic, I'll have all the information for the other themes. .... still in the notebook.  So I'll now have two notebooks again.
     Now that I think more about it, it doesn't seen practical.
     Guess I will just have to find all the notebooks and make sure I use the correct on.
     Fat chance.

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