Monday, March 9, 2015

Oh the changes we have seen

I remember my first computer

     Actually, it was not mine.  It was a school district Apple 2E.  Huge monitor, printer that took perforated paper in long rolls, a machine that could read disks that you had to insert.  They were not connected to other machines.
     The first summer the district had computers Jackie and I took a class at the ROE in Grand Detour where we learned how to use a computer to send letters to other all seemed so confusing.
     Now look at us.
     E mail, YouTube, Facebook....all the electronic ways to communicate and get information.
     Plus watching TV shows or movies on a computer you hold in one hand!
     All in all, it is pretty amazing.
     I find myself reading news that does not interest me, playing games that are time robbing, and watching people do stupid things, like riding skateboards into railings or going to Walmart in their underwear.  I should be watching TED talks.
     I wonder how kids of today picture the world will be when they are older.
     I honestly believed we would have flying cars, like in the Jetsons.  Robots would do our housework, and we would all live in huge cities under a dome with moving sidewalks and individual pod transportation systems.
     Of course, I was 25 when I believed all that, but hey....strange things happen in life.

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