Sunday, March 22, 2015

to catch a thief....

We was robbed!

     Sometime between Saturday morning  and tonight, I discovered we have been robbed!
     The box of Tagalongs I bought from the Girl Scouts at the bank have all but disappeared!  There are only two cookies left, and Jackie has not had any!
     I also notice the black jelly beans we bought are missing.
     Jackie does not eat those either.
     On the other hand, I think I may have found out why my tongue is perpetually black and my stomach exponentially larger than the average person.
     But honestly, to eat all of the Tagalongs in two days?  Those delightful peanut butter flavored crisp cookies covered in chocolate gone so soon??  That is a total lack of self control.
     Maybe I was just snacking a little more than usual due to the stress of being in a live theater production, where anything can go wrong...such as a missed line or a dropped cue.  Not that that has happened, but it may account for my eating habits.
     Speaking of habits.
     I carry my script with me at all times during the show.  It is tattered, torn and falling apart.  I put it on a table near my entrances and I constantly refer to it.  It's a security blanket.
     Before every show I go next door to the gas station and get a vanilla cappuccino out of the instant coffee machine.
     I don't eat supper before a show, but I snack on Will's M & Ms that are back stage...four at a time.
     Some people may think that is superstitious, neurotic, obsessive, or just plain weird.  It may be, but it works for me.
     Hey!  I just heard a noise!  Sounds like a box of thin mints opened somewhere.....

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