Monday, March 16, 2015

act one, scene two, take 509

Being in a play is tiring

     I was in plays when I worked, at it was rough.  Being in school all day, then going to rehearsal for four hours.  Getting the sets built.  It is a real drain on a person.
     Kind of like that machine in Princess Bride that sucks the life out of Wesley until the was mostly dead.
     Our show opens in four nights.  It will be funny, it will be well executed.
     The first night will have an audience that is small.  They will laugh, and tell their friends, and then the audiences will come.
     It's so hard to tell about Rochelle people some times.
     I hear complaints of there being nothing to do in town, yet VCCT is putting on a play that many people will see and enjoy, but we won't have full houses.  RTHS just did two concerts of great music, but the crowds were thin.  The RTHS play in early April will also draw thin houses.  It just happens.
     I  actually have a friend who said they had never gone to a VCCT show because it was "community theater."
     And he's right.  It is community theater.  It is your friends, your neighbors, putting seven weeks of hard work in to hone a production into a good show, if not an awesome show.  For their community.
      If you have never seen one of our shows, at least give us a chance.
      Maybe you will leave the theater thinking you wasted $12 and two hours.  That could happen.
      But more than likely you will walk out saying, "Wow!  That's community theater??  I should have been going to shows for the past 25 years!"
     Hope to see you at the show:   Wrong Window!  March 20, 21, 22, 27, 28.  Paddock Hall in Hickory Grove.  March 22 is a matinee, all other shows start at 8 p.m.  Advance seating, the best seating, can be ordered on line at
     Now, I'm going to bed.

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