Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I think I have the dropsy's

     My fingers must be filled with oil or something.
     Yesterday I dropped a mug while emptying the dishwasher.  (Yes, I empty the dishwasher.  And I do dishes.  I am a gem of a husband.)
     Luckily, it was a mug we have several of, so it will not be greatly missed.  (It wasn't my lucky mug, or my feeling blue mug, or my earl gray mug.....just a common mug.)
     Tonight Jackie made me corn for supper.  When I went to drain the water out, I dropped the pan and half the corn went into on the floor, or in the sinks.
     Then I went to get a glass for wine and I dropped it, right next to my sandwich.
     Therein layed the dilemma.  Did the glass shatter enough to get into my food?
     So I got new bread, and washed off the pork chop.  I carefully examined the remaining corn and did not see any slivers or splinters or shards of I went ahead and ate it.
     I just hope I don't perform a self colonoscopy in the morning.
     And at rehearsal tonight, I even dropped two lines!!
     It's strange.  Usually I have better  dexterity.  I just hope it doesn't continue much longer.
     After all, someone has to dust all the nutcrackers, smokers and Santa figurines....cause those shelves are getting quite dirty!
     I'm putting that on my to do list.
    You know how many things I have on my to do list?  Unplugging Mr. McGuffin's toilet is number 3......just sayin.

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