Saturday, March 14, 2015

Is there a July 4 in Europe?

Sometimes it takes a while

   Is there a Fourth of July  in Europe?  Yes, but it is just an ordinary day to them.  Likewise, Canada has Thanksgiving at a different time than we do.  Some holidays are universal in nature...Christmas, New Year's, my birthday.
     Others are not.  Swiss people don't celebrate Mother's Day or Father's Day.  Julia said Halloween is becoming a little more popular, but Thanksgiving....forget it.
     So what about a day like today?  You know, pi day?
     Do they celebrate it, honor it, mark it overseas?
     No.  Because it isn't there.
     Europeans  put the date first, then the month.  So today is 14/3/15.  Their pi day must be hard to celebrate with a 14 first.....Maybe Jan. 4 of 30.....wait, that's not right.....  How about Jan. 3 , 415?  That worked out to 3/1/415.....boy, that was a long time ago!
     It's been a long day..I am kind of tired.  We built Little Free Libraries for Rotary, painted sets for VCCT, and hit a wall at about 7:15 when my body said, "Go home."
     Now it is saying ,"Go to bed."
     So I will.

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