Monday, March 2, 2015

Are you a Friends fan?

I like watching "Friends" reruns

     Sometimes I think Joey is a little too stupid, but he also does some funny things.
      Like when he auditions for a role that is in French, and he tries to learn French
      Everything comes out "bluh bluh blah."  That is exactly how my French sounds.
      And the episode where he is working on a war film with a veteran actor, and the veteran tells him he needs to talk so he is literally spraying the veteran.
     Well, tonight I became Joey.
     I don't know why, I don't think it has happened before.
     But when we hit a crucial part in the play, I was drooling like a dog gnawing on a bone.
     I kept wiping my mouth with my sleeve, but each time I spoke, everybody else took a step back!
     They were a good 10 feet from me by the end of my spiel.
     I can't remember ever spraying when I spoke.
     I do remember a high school teacher who sprayed.  He was my algebra instructor and I sat in the front row.  Luckily, I also worked at a grocery store stocking shelves and some mornings I would barely be awake and Mr. Hoff's spray would bring me too.  (Side note:  I believe his name was Jack.  Seriously.  A.J. Hoff.)
     So now I have to figure out how to perform with a dry mouth, which I don't want because then I can't talk.
     Until then, if you come to the play, (Wrong Window, March 20, 21, 22, 27, 28) I suggest you wear rain gear.

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