Sunday, March 29, 2015

cast your fate to the wind

I am making no plans

     From now on, fate will carry me.  I will go where the wind carries me, from one corner of the earth to the other.
     No more will I be tethered to this life of time needs, meetings, appearances, must dos....I will allow the winds to carry me aloft and gently deposit me where and when they decide.
     Who am I kidding?
     I have lots of things scheduled this week, and this year.  I really wish I could just take off for a month....travelling, visiting, sitting on a beach, going up a river.
     I was born to be a traveler.
     Or something else.
     One of the password security questions I had to answer tonight was dream job.  I entered travel writer and it was rejected!  I don't even know what my dream job is!!
     And when it asked my favorite elementary school teacher I entered Mr. Torres,  then Torres, then Mr. Torrez. then Torrez then torres, then torrez, then I was locked out because I had too many attempts.
     But Mr. Torres was my favorite elementary teacher.
     He was smart, funny, young, and different.  He was the first man teacher, and the first Hispanic teacher I encountered.
     I said to him one day, "Mr. Torres, it's funny that it was raining on one side of the street and not the other."
     He gave me an answer I keep to this day.  "Well, rain has to start and stop somewhere, doesn't it?"
     As a young kid, I had never thought about it.
     You see, the winds guided me on this blog, taking me where they wanted to go....I had no control.
     I was flying free.

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