Wednesday, April 1, 2015

i phone, you phone, we all phone

I am learning to use my I Phone

     Emily has taught me some tricks.  I now have contacts in my favorite file.  Before, I had it blank.
     She thought I was a little crazy.
     For example, I have our home listed as ahome.  Why?  Because numbers are usually listed alphabetically, and I didn't want to scroll all the way down to home every time I wanted to call there.
     That also explains, aemily,  ajackie, and aaemilyhome.
     To me it all made sense.
     I only have about 6 contacts in my phone.  Jackie downloaded the contacts from our home computer....all 327 of them.  She has contacts for VCCT, villas in Tuscany, apartments in Paris, people I never heard of......
     Eventually we will have to clear some of them out....if we can figure out how to delete.
     Lesson 1:  Always scroll to the bottom of the screen.
     OK, time for some serious stuff.
     I have committed to two MS fund raising events.  The first is coming up in May.  It is a walk in Rockford, 3 miles, and I am doing it with Team Fenwick, Miles for Smiles.  A few friends are joining me...I think.
     Anyway, here is a link you can copy and paste and it should take you to my donor page.  Should.
     Remember, I am an idiot when it comes to computers.

     And I should have some exciting news to share about home improvements.....maybe Friday, or Saturday.  Time will tell.
     Peace and love!

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