Tuesday, March 3, 2015

making a list, checking it twice

I just did a to do list

     It took me a while.  I just sat and thought of things I have to do....hence, a to do list.
    Some of the things I can do on my own, some will require specialists... like to install a light fixture or fix an outlet.  I don't play with electricity.
     Most of the items are easy, they just take time.
     I have long range and short range items, inside and outside items, upstairs and downstairs items.  I bet there are 40 things to do on my list.
     I wrote it all down in a spiral notebook.  I thought about it and thought about it.  I am pretty sure I have every job I need to do on the list.
     When Jackie reads this, she will undoubtedly say, "Where is this list?"
and I can honestly tell her:  Right here, no I did not lose it.
     And next week I will start that list.  Yes, I will.
     Unless I lose the notebook by then....which is always a possibility.
     I realize how much time I waste and I need to prioritize my time.  If I cut back on computer time, maybe I can do the boxes in the basement.  That kind of thing.
     And maybe, just maybe, I'll get some of the piddly little things done that I should have finished years ago.
     Or not.

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