Monday, March 23, 2015

holy crap, Batman!

I watched a tv show today that shocked me

     Actually, I watched two hours of it.....I could not turn away.
     Greed.  Deceit.  Self promotion.  Ego battles.  Huge sums of money.  Suspense.  Whining, combative couples.
     The show?
     Million Dollar Listing New York.
     The three Realtors were amazing to watch.  They have nerves of steel and a certain confidence that allows them to buy and sell property in the city that never sleeps.
     They were showing $3 and $4 million apartments! These were nice, but holy cow, such a price!
One couple could not agree on anything....he liked dark, she liked light.  It was pretty funny in that every apartment they looked at was wrong for one of them.  He finally showed them a $3 million plus apartment they initially hated, but eventually bought when shown the possibilities.
     And several of the buyers were French, buying it sight unseen through American agents!  How do you spend $2 million on an apartment based on the word of your broker?  Takes faith.
     It was interesting in that I could never do that.  The tension, the stress.. The balls to negotiate million dollar contracts that could walk at any minute.
     Anyway, it was pretty neat to watch.
     And of course, I had to picture us living in one of those and it was not hard to imagine.  I just can't imagine the jobs people have to have to support a lifestyle like that.
     Which reminds me of another show.... " Different World."

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