Friday, March 27, 2015

ride this way, pardner

I need a 10 gallon hat

     My head feels big after tonight's show!  We had 90 plus to see our next to last performance of Wrong Window!
     And yes, the ! is part of the title, regardless of what newspaper stories you may have read that did not include the ! because the guy doing the stories somehow missed it.
     So why does my head feel big?
     Because so many people said they loved the show:  the cast, the timing, the humor.  It makes me feel darn good that our humble efforts have brought laughter to so many people.  And when they say, "Nice job, Loomis" it makes me smile even though Loomis isn't my real name.
     People like me do theater to gain approval.  That has to be it.  Why else would normal people put in 6 weeks of rehearsal for 5 shows?  As a cast, we have given up family time, dinner time, relaxation time and who knows what else to do this show.  That goes for  any show.
     The commitment is huge.
     And then, bingo, 4 shows and almost 300 audience members later, you approach the final curtain (well, this show doesn't use the's a metaphor) realizing that your "family" is together for one last time.
     TC and I were talking with someone about that tonight.  After a show, people go through a sort of depression.  We have become a little family, and even though it is transitory, we have bonded.  We will miss that bonding when the show ends.  Happens every time.
     And tomorrow, I will probably not do a blog because the cast party is going to be at our house and sometimes that goes a little late.  Plus,  alcohol is usually involved, so a blog might not be a good idea.
     Thanks to those of you who came, thanks for spreading the word, thanks for your kind words.
     If you have not yet made it, you have one more night!
     You will laugh.  I promise.

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