Saturday, February 28, 2015

it's a job I can do

I want to be the new Illinois marketing director

     I really think I could do a great job of marketing Illinois to the rest of the country.
     Our weather, for instance.  You can save a ton of money by sticking your refrigerator items in your garage for the winter.  They shouldn't freeze, and you will save lots of money on electricity.  Pop and beer will always be cold, heck, all your food will be chilled to a reasonable 35 degrees.  Or so.
     In the summer you can save on laundry by wearing the same pair of shorts over, and over, and over, and over......and most people don't wear socks, so you will save money on washing and drying your clothes.
     You won't need hurricane insurance.  Sure, we get the occasional tornado, but what is life with no challenges.
     No wildfires.
     No earthquakes.  Yes, the New Madrid fault did cause some problems a century or two ago, but that was an unusual occurrence.  Of course, fracking may increase that risk, but hey, we know that is a slight chance.  Unless you live in Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas or other places where fracking is going on and the earth is shaking more than usual.
     We have plenty of water.  Lake Michigan is a major source of fresh water.  Plus our underground aquifers are adequate.  I hope.  People in California and Texas can't make that claim.
     We have major sports teams in every sport.....and up until this week, I thought we would sweep all the titles.  Yes, DRose will recover, but in time to lead the Bulls to a title?  How about the Hawks?       Can they recover from Kane's injury?  Will Kris Bryant lead the Cubs to the series?  Will the Sox meet the Cubs in the series?  It is possible.  Then the Bears would close the season of seasons by upsetting all the odds maker, the Packers, the country and win the Super Bowl.  The Fire will also burn bright and the women's basketball team will shine to the point I might remember their name.
People and industries will flock to Illinois, because everyone loves a winner and wants to be on the bandwagon.
     Throw in a new presidential library, a Star Wars museum, legalized marijuana and prostitution and you have a convention and vacation destination as well.
     And to top it off, we have crazy tough people living here.  Tough for making it through the winter.  And crazy, for sticking around for the winter.
     So if you see Gov, Rauner, let him know I would be a great candidate for the job.

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