Monday, November 1, 2021

opening my eyes

 I have lived here for 50 years, but didn't know

    True, we have been in the Rochelle area for 50 years.  Yes, we lived for a while in DeKalb, but for most f our married life Rochelle has been home.

    Lately I found out some really amazing information.

    Not exactly about Rochelle, but about Flagg Center and Flag.

    Flagg Center  is at the four way stop sign on Flagg Road going into Rochelle.  Not to be confused with Flagg, which may be spelled Flag, a smaller community in Lee County, Flagg Center is not really an incorporated area.  Nor is Flag, or Flagg.

    Friend M is the unofficial mayor in Flagg Center and I always roll down my car window and yell, "Hey, Lady!" when I see her on the front porch or out working in the yard.

    But there really is not much to Flagg Center.  Or Flagg.  Or Flag.

    So I was surprised to see a pop up on my Yahoo page that told me about 8 new doctors operating in Flagg Center!   And the former child movie star who was now working in Flagg!

    Granted, there are no stores in either place, so my mind is imagining the kind of work she is doing.   (Not countng the gun/bait shop as a store.)

    Next time I am out riding around, I am going to look up some of those doctors.  They should not be hard to find.

    Because everyting on the internet is true, right?

    Digressing, what a difference a year makes!

    One year ago I was up to to my elbows in carrots.  This year, not so much.  We put up 5 1-gallon bags last year, but I think we will be lucky to get 3 this year, with 2 a more reasonable goal.

    On a positive note, I still have tomatoes on the plants!  Green, and maybe freeze tinged, but they are still growing.

    And Kathy, FYI....I did toss the green, black and white tomato out, uneaten.

Peace and Love

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