Wednesday, November 10, 2021

dag nab it

 Sometimes the little things irritate me

    Like the computer mouse going dead in the middle of something.  A message appears on the screen, "mouse battery exhausted, "  but by then it's too late.

    My computer desk chair squeaks.  Not a soft, quiet "crick"....  but a loud, annoying "eeerchhhh".  I have oiled it, but that does not seem to help,  I deon't know from whence the squeak comes, but I have oiled every moving part.

    Plans that go astray sometimes work out anyway.  Emily had a delivery but did not want to have it sent to her house because she and John were at work.  So it was sent to our house.  It was supposed to arrive tomorrow.  So we planned to spend the entire day waiting.  Meanwhile, Jackie scheduled a hair appointment today.  To cut, color and style her hair is about 90 minutes.

    Last night Emily got a text that the package would be delivered today.

    So, I drove Jackie to the hairdresser, dropped her off, drove home and waited.

    When the time came, I went back to help move her from the chair to the rinsing or washing station then waited 30 minutes for her to be done.  I did order a Thanksgiving pie and had a coffee while waiting, so that was not lost time.  (And no, no coffee and pie at the hairdresser but at Acres Bistro across the street.)

    We got home, pulled in the driveway and as I was getting out of the car the UPS truck showed up with the package!  It was perfect timing.

    I also used today to get some information on a passenger side seat for the car.  The seat will twist out, and lower, allowing me to get Jackie safely into the seat.  Then it can be raised, swung around, and locked in position.

    So I called and talked to a rep at he dealer closest to me that installs them.  The cost:  a little over $10,000!  Holy crap!!

    It became apparent to us how helpful that would be when we got out of the hairdresesers and I went to put Jackie in the car, but we missed the seat.  She was on her way to the ground when we found a spot on the floor for her to sit.  Luckily, the brewmaster from the distillery next door  came out the back door and I asked him for help.  We were able to get her into the car.

    I told him thanks for the help and I like his brews.  Which I do.

    So now it is a matter of finding a car where this is a factory installed option instead of an aftermarket device.  So far,  I found Honda, Ford, and Toyota offer the seat, but I can't get a price on line.

    I guess I will be visiting some dealers in the future to see what is available, on what models it is available, and what the cost is.

    I am just getting too old to be lifting her into the car.

    Hell, I am getting to old for a lot of things!

Peace and Love


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