Wednesday, November 17, 2021

I hate shopping

 I did our monthly/holiday shopping today

    I am wiped out.  It is almost 11, and I have just sat down.

    This morning I picked up the rest of the yard and laid out where my bird bath is going.  Which is a puzzle.  Literally.  I saw a display in the store with 6 cement blocks.  One block in the middle, 5 around it.  It forms a neat spot to put the bird bath.  The main benefit is I won't have to trim around it every time I mow.

    So I bought 6 blocks.  Put them down and I can't seem to get them to come together like they did in the display.  Now I have to go back to the store, take a picture, and next spring put the "puzzle" together.

    I also picked up the hoses.  Someone asked me why I put my hoses away in the winter and I really did not have a good answer.  Will they freeze and break outside?

    I    also filled bird feeders.

    And I mowed up the leaves that were on the ground, creating a huge mess in the front yard that looks terrible.

    I might add that all during this time it was raining.  Not a hard rain, but a cold drizzle.

    Aftere that, I went to the store.

    Maybe it was the 3 stops before the store, but I was a bit loopy.

    As I walked up to the entrance the sign that says, "Go slow for pedestrians" was not in the driving area where it should be, but in front of the doors.

    Now, being the idiot I am, I saw the sign and pretended to walk in slow motion. 

    I took three or four  slow motion steps, slowly moving my arms, and approached the door.

    It did not open.

    In slow motion I stepped back and approached again.

    It did not open.

    A young man came up to me and said, "The door is over here."

    Yes, I did feel like an idiot.

    Anyway, I never finished my grocery list.  I got tired, it was late, I went to check out and I was fifth in line at the register and everyone had a huge cart.

    I had a meeting at 5:30.  I did not know it at the time, but I was supposed to be there at 5 for photos.  But I did not check e mail in the morning.

    I got home at 5, put the cold stuff in the fridge and freezer, got spiffied up for the meeting and got there at 5:36.  All the pictures were done.  

    When I got home I put stuff away, rearranging the pantry and discovering we have about 400 boxes of cookies and enough tea to serve the Queen for the next 10 years.

    That took me until a little past nine.  I folded two loads of laundry and got Jackie ready for bed.  Them I made myself a rather strong hot toddy and sat down to tell you about my day.

    I'm tired.  I am almost finished with the toddy.  If there are spelling mistakes or something doesn't make sense, I apologize.

Peace and Love

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