Saturday, November 13, 2021

is it Saturday??

 I lost the day today

    I had a Zoom church meeting at 10 and after eating lunch and getting Jackie her food, I sat in my recliner for a quick nap.

    Three hours later, I woke up.

    Seriously, I lost the whole day!

    I did a little project, well, the start of a little project, but by then it was supper time.

    Now I know I won't be able to sleep tonight because it is past 9 and I am wide awake.

    I am curious about how much snow we will get.  I let Corki out about 8:30 and it was snowing.  I have heard dusting to one inch, but we have had more snow than that in November.

    I had hoped to get to church in person tomorrow, but that probably will not happen.  Getting Jackie in and out of a car 4 times, 2 of them in  snow, does not appeal to me.  Plus there is a safety factor for both of us.

    But, we shall see.

Peace and Love

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