Thursday, November 18, 2021


 My hair is a freaking mess

    I got it cut before I went to see Julia.  That was Sept. 30.  

    It seems to have grown fast since then.

    Part of the delay was the barber I go to has been laid up and is working less.  Another part is I just didn't feel like getting it cut.

    So, tomorrow is spa day for me.

    I get my hair cut in the afternoon, then we get toe nails cut after that.  I sometimes think I should get polish, like a shocking red or bright blue.  But no one can see my toes, so that would be a waste.  Jackie and I both enjoy the pedicures because now we won't be clawing each other at night.

    I don't even remember where I was.....but  young girl was running the register. Her fingernails were really long and had amazing designs on them.  I said to her, "Neat nails."

    She lit up like a candle and told me she got them for Halloween, there were ghosts and goblins, she really liked them, and thanks for noticing.  I think in this nameless, soulless world she just liked being recognized.

    And they were cool nails.

    We also have a PT appointment in the morning.  Lots of getting Jackie into and our of our car.

    I have talked to two dealers about used cars that have a TurnyEVO seat in them, and the chances of me finding a used one are slim to none.  The Cubs will win a World Series before that would happen.  The Bears would play in the Super Bowl before then.

    I am skiping over the White Sox and Bulls, because they could win before I find one.  Not sure about the Blackhawks.

    That's it for my sports metaphors.

    What's a metaphor?  Something to confuse you when Facebook disappears.

    I don't know if that is a joke or not.

Peace and Love

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