Tuesday, November 9, 2021

I'm a rich man

 I am a millionaire, but not in the way you think

    Over the past two days I have spent a lot of time outside, working on getting the yard and gardens ready for winter.  

    That gives me a lot of time for thinking, and I got to thinking how rich I have become in life.

    Trust me.....I am not talking money.

    I am talking family.  And friends.  And pets.  And lifestyles.  And health.  And opportunities.

    Jackie will tell you I am pretty much a pessimist.  I always see the glass as half empty.  

    But I have been blessed with a great family,  a wife, two daughters and a son in law and grandchild that are there to help me when I need it.  Other family members who call to check in or comment on my life.  And friends to pick me up when I am down or sit with my wife when I am gone or who come out to visit with a great lunch or who come over to visit and eat supper.

    I have been blessed with opportunities too.  Julia moving to Switzerland nearly 20 years ago was a kick in the gut at the time, but it opened a new world to me.

    I have walked on Omaha Beach, stood atop Eagle's Nest, stayed in a hotel that was formerly an SS headquarters during the war, met a former student in Florence for dinner, walked the streets of Venice and Paris, biked the roads of Holland, hiked up a moutain and stayed in a mountain hut, explored castles built by the crazy Ludwig, slept in a real castle,  watched a once every 25 years festival, and met some great people.

    I have also been blessed with all of you, who read about my boring life.

    Maybe it's the fall nights, and the coming of winter, that have put me in a slightly emotional, retrospective mood tonight.

    I just want you all to know that I do appreciate you...family, freinds, supporters, followers, confidants, confessors..... I am  thankful for all ofyou.

    Peace and Love

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