Friday, November 5, 2021


 I got confused by my Facebook memories today

    According to my memories, 8 years ago today I was enjoying a supper in Tuscany with family and friends.  Accroding to the second memory, 8 years ago today I was in Green Bay for the Packers-Bears game.

    Obviously they are not both right.  I do believe the Packer game was correct, because Tuscany was during the summer.

    I remember the game.  It was a package our park district offered and Jackie got it for me as an anniverary present.  It included box lunch, ticket and transportation to the game.

    There were 6 or 7 of us in a van and we drove 55 the entire way, because if you went over 55 the van shook.  It took forever to get there and forever to get home.  In fact, on the way home we got hungry but it was so late there were no gas stations open!  We ended up stopping and peeing along the road because the GPS directed us through every small town between Rockford and Green Bay and eveery one of them was shut tight.

    But it was a good game.  The Bears won, one of only 5 victories they have had against Aaron (Tell No Lie) Rodgers.  And despite me wearing all the Bear stuff I owned,  Packer fans were friendly and greeted me warmly.  It was a fun time, despite being in the van for what seemed forever.

    Now, a digression.

    The French are going to get a surprise.  The cost of a baguette is going up because of rising fuel costs and higher wheat prices due to a sub par harvest.

    The article I read said there would be a 4-6 cent rise in the cost of a baguette, which averages $1  (I am using dollars but francs are about the same.)

    This is huge because in the past 20 years the price of a baguette has only gone up 28 cents.

    I love baguettes.  The crispy crust, airy middle, the crunch you get when you bite into one.......heaven.  The only problem is they get very hard and almost inedible in a day.

    I got the idea reading the article that baguettes are baked in a steam oven......which creates the crunchy crust.

    I wonder if some day we will have bakeries here that create great baguettes and croissants.

    Until then, I will just have to rely on my faulty memory.

Peace and Love

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