Monday, November 8, 2021


 I got busy and almost forgot this epistle tonight!

    Yes, I was watching the Bears.  But I also did dishes, changed smoke detector batteries, replaced a burned out light bulb in the hall, found the table runners for fall, watered the downstairs plants, plugged in my batteries for the rechargable drill, filled the water softener, and before I knew it, it was late.

    Very late.

    The upside to the day:  I will become royalty!

    No, it is not a Nigerian cousin who is making me king or prince, but the good dentist who is giving me a crown.

    I broke part of a tooth off, but the tooth is "sound" so we are putting a crown on it.

    Actually, that is better than what I feared, which was extraction and an implant.

    After the dentist I helped pass out food at the mobile food bank .  There were a bunch of us, and I was appointed traffic director.  That should be in capital letters!

    As Traffic Director I waved cars forward and told them where to stop.  I would also yell out how many families were getting food and where it goes in the car.  Example, a car with a 1 T on the windshield meant one family, put it in the trunk.  If it was 2 B it meant 2 families, put it in the back seat.

    And to be truthful, I was the only person who had not already claimed a job.

    One of the young helpers said, "Have a nice day," to every car that came thru...and there were a lot.  I commended him for his politeness.

    The group had packed up 125 food packages and when we ran out, there were still 6 or 7 cars in line.

    It's sad to see so many people in need, but it is gratifying that agencies and people are stepping up to help.

    By the way, I predicted the Bears would lose by 28 but they darn near won the game.  I underestimated how bad the Steeler offense was.

Peace and Love

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