Thursday, November 4, 2021


 I hope I did not offend anyone yesterday

    In order to repent from my rather crude vocabulary yesterday, I offer this story.

    This is not mine, by the way.  It's an old one.

    Bunch of old guys sitting on benches in front of a general store way up in the mountains.

    A young girl walks past hem, says hello, and tells them she is the new clerk.

     She is pretty and wearing a short skirt, which peaks the old guys' interest.

    After a few minutes, Ed gets up and goes into the store.  The girl is standing behind the counter.

    "What can I do for ya, mister?"  she sweetly asks.

    Ed looks over the shelves and says, "I'd like a loaf of that there raisin bread."

    The girl looks and sees the bread is on the top shelf.  So she gets a ladder and climbs up to get it.

    Ed is thrilled with the view.  He goes out and tells the others.

    Wayne goes in.

    "How can I help ya, mister?" the sweet young thing asks.

    "I'd like a loaf of raisin bread," Wayne says. 

    Again the girl gets the ladder, climbs up, and Wayne gets a great view.

    He goes out and tell Joe.  Joe goes in, asks for raisin bread, she gets the ladder, he gets the view, and goes back out.

    Bill goes in and asks for raisin bread.  The girl goes up on the ladder and as she is up there Homer comes in and stands next to Bill, just enjoying the secenery.

    The girl sees the new old guy and yells down,  "Hey mister, is yours a raisin too?"

    Homer smiles and says, "No...but its a twitchin a mite."

    And with that....good night.

Peace and Love

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