Sunday, November 7, 2021

oh damn it anyway

Who breaks a tooth eating a grilled cheese sandwich? 

    I'll give you three guesses.  

    I can't figure out how it happened.  Must have been a cracked tooth to start with, but really, grilled cheese?

    I made a pork roast for supper.  Put in potatoes and carrots, some seasonings, and was really looking forward to supper.

    I ended up chewing on one side of my mouth.  

    On the upside for the day, t he Bears did not lose!

    Other upsides:  I mowed, maybe for the last time.  John and Emily and Camryn came over and moved my patio furniture and grill into the garage.  Hopefully this week will be nice enough weather wise to let me wash the tables and put a little teak oil on them so they are ready to go next year.

    I had a list of six or seven jobs for this week.  Changing he smoke alarm batteries is high on the list, especially with the way I cook.

    I heard the weather forcast kind of goes awry toward the end of the week.....snow flurries, rain, cold, other words, a pretty typical November day.

    But my main priority will be calling he dentist and seeing if he can figure out what happened, and fix it.

    At least I don't have any pain.  Hope it stays that way.

Peace and Love

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