Wednesday, November 3, 2021

doctor, doctor gimme the news

 This is doctor week

    We had long scheduled visits today.  I mean long scheduled.  We call and it is sometimes weeks before we can get in.  If it is serious, like a cold or flu, we can usually get "snuck" in, but for a wellness check, it is a long wait.

    Jackie had an appointment for Monday with another medical person.  But that got cancelled because the referral has not come through yet.

    Tomorrow I have an appointment with the man who took my prostate.  It is my one year check up, with my surgery happening one year ago next week.  

    It seems so much longer than that.  I still have the scars, physical and mental, but I am sure they will fade. 

    Anyway, today I brought up a litany of complaints.  My feet itch.  My hands hurt.  My fingers lock.  

    The remedy for the locked fingers, or trigger finger, is : 1, cortisone injections; or 2, minor surgery to cut the tendons.  Both would be done by a hand guy.  

    I guess if I can't adapt, I will have to get a hand job.

    Bodda boom!  Perverts.

    As for the hurting hands, he suggested soaking them in hot water in the morning and rubbing Voltaran or something similiar onto them to reduce the pain.  

    What bugs me the most is how hard it is becoming to open things or grip items, and while it is not imposible, it is hard.

    I know, quit whining.  Or wineing, if that is a word.  Which it must be because I just used it.

    Moisturing my feet should help the itching.  Truthfully, I have been putting a cream on and wearing socks to bed, which really helps.

    I know...TMI but I felt like sharing.

    Did you read about the QAnon gathering in Dallas the other day?  

    Several supporters gathered on "The Knoll" because the ghost of JFK was going to rise and lead the reinstallation of tRump to office.  

    I am not going to say these people are wackos.  I do wonder if any of them were wearing aluminum foil hats though.


Peace and Love

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