Saturday, November 20, 2021


 I learned a lesson today

    I learned I should clean out the bottom of my lawn mower regularly.

    I say that every year about this time, for now is when I actually clean out the mess.  There must have been 10 pounds of grass clippings stuck to the bottom!

    Soggy, stinky, icky, dirty grass clippings. 

    I scraped.  I washed.  I scraped.  I grabbed handfuls of stuff hat just did not feel right.  Every time I put my hand under the mower, I was braced for the blades to suddenly spin, taking my hand off at the elbow.

    I know, it is an irrational fear....but a fear I have anyway.

    But now it is done.

    While the mower occupied most of my time, I did power wash the chairs and table top.  I even put the power washer in the basement when I was done, because the first one I had I left in the garage all winter and it froze the inside, causing it to not function the second year.  I learned that lesson too!

    While  I solved one mystery I found  another.

    I have a project around my bird bath.  Now, the display of the concrete stones is in the DeKalb Lowe's, but they don't have stones.  The Rockford Lowe's has stones, but no display.

    I bought 6 stones.  When I laid them out, they did not fit.  So yesterday I went back to the DeKalb store and discovered I actually needed 7 stones.  Now I have to go back to Rockford and buy one more stone.

    If I wait until spring, that product will be discontinued and I will have an incomplete space.

    My new mystery is also vexing.  I have a heavy sweatshirt type jacket to wear working otuside.  Emily got it for me.  John has one too.  But I wore mine Thursday.  I could not find it today.  I looked everywhere.  I hope I did not leave it out in the wind.  If I did, someone got a nice jacket.

    Maybe it will show up buried under my other projects.

Peace and Love

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