Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 This was almost a great day

    First off,  I apologize for any bad typing.

    It is son in law John's fault.

    He was over for,a few  minutes and I asked him to put together my vegetable peeler, which had somehow come apart in the drawer.

    I had been peeling carrots and I knew the broken one was better than the one I was using.  And it is better.  Much sharper.

    I can actually type.  I know the home keys and proper positioning.

    But tonight I can't use the finger that hits the t,f,g,b,v, r keys because since the bleeding funally stopped after 30 minutes, I am not comfortable hitting keys with it just yet.  

    That is hard to do.

    John was over because Jackie could not cut the carrots after I trimmed and skinned them.  So, she wanted t(ouch!  forgot!!)o go to her chair.

    As I lifted her from the  wheelchair, I stepped on her foot, which threw me off balance.  

    She landed between the chair and the wheelchair,  not sitting on either one, and slid slowly to the floor.  

    Thankfully John was home and came right over and got Jackie into her chair.

    No harm.

    But after that I asked him to fix the peeler,  and you know how that ended.

    What also ended was my night of preparing and freezing carrots (which is a hard word to type with out using  the ponter finger).

    I will pick up the task (more carefully. now) tomorrow,   Hopefully.

    So thank you John for picking up my wife and for fixing the peeler.  We do appreciate it.

Peace and Love

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