Friday, November 12, 2021

deja vu

 This was another great day with friends

    We are truly blessed with wonderful friends.

    Nadine drove me to the eye doctor's today.  I was not so sure I needed a driver, but after they dilated my eyes, injected a dye into my system, took pictures with a bright flash, and made me read letters of ever increasingly small type size, my eyes were ready for a break.

    And I could not see real well.  Even on a dark day, dilated eyes make driving a challenge, so having her as my chauffer was great.

    Then tonight Renee and Wendy  brought supper.  We had a fun visit, enjoyed great food from Alfano's, had some laughs and watched Corki try to mount legs several times.  Now, Corki  has not done that for a while, so I am puzzled about her behavior tonight.  And the barking. 

    By the way, my eyes are stable.  The little blind spots are not growing.  The rest of the eyes look good.

    The good doctor said that within a few years there will be stem cell therapy that will fix my condition.  He said the macular will be repaired with the treatments, which will be a blessing for millions of old folks.

    And of course, if you did not know, it snowed here today.  When we got home from Jackie's PT session there was snow on the roof of our house.  Granted, it did not last long but it was a sign that fall is coming to an end.

    Julia also sent pictures of her boxes loaded on a container that will be shipped home.  Now all she has to do is get rid of the rest of her stuff.  

    Noe I have a problem....I think Jackie is asleep in her chair.  I have not heard her talk for about an hour.  Do I wake her for bed?

    I hear a stirring.....

Peace and Love

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