Saturday, November 27, 2021

that's different

 I got our tree today

    John took me to a lot owned by a mutual friend's friend and we bought it there.

    Usually we get a tree that scrapes the ceiling and fills up half the room.  This tree does not.

    It is on the smaller side, a little thin, but it has a great smell.  Jackie does not appreciate the simplicity of the tree.  

    I don't think all our ornaments will fit.  We have a lot of ornaments.  We may have to cut down on some favorites this year.

    And John and I had a chance to visit with Odie.  He is always a blast to talk to and hang with.

    The Tribune had a story today on trees and the shortage.  It seems consumer tastes have changed.  Scotch and white pines were once very popular but in the past few years consumer tastes have changed to Douglas, Frasier and other shorter needle tir trees.

    Since it takes 8 years for a seedling to become a cutable tree, there are some supply issues.

    And Northern Illinois had a drought this year.  One tree grower said in a typical year a fir will grow one foot taller, but this year there was only a couple of inches of new growth.

    What I should have done 9 years ago was plant some Fraiser firs in the back yard.  Then I would only have to walk out my door, pick out a tree, and cut it. 

    Since it takes 8 years to cutable height, I guess doing that now is a crapshoot on whether I would ever "harvest" one.

    I always say I am going to buy an artificial tree.  But there is something about going out to the tree farm and cutting one down.  Call it nostalgia, or sentimentality, or tradition.....I just like it.  So many memories come back; "my babies" shivering with cold or excitement as we hunted for that perfect tree.

    We have never found it.

Peace and Love

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