Saturday, November 6, 2021


 Sometimes, I admit, I just don't get it

    I am still puzzling over a comic in the  Tribune this week.  I know there was a joke there, but I did not get it.

    That happens often lately.  I don't understand the joke.  Maybe it is just too advanced for me, or I don't have the basic knowledge.  Hell, it could even be an age thing.

    Oh well, there are other bigger problems in life.

    I also could not watch what I wanted to watch on my WTTW passport tonight.  I wanted to watch a Poirot, but no matter what I did, I could not find an episode.  So I watched the first All Creatures Great and Small and loved it!  It was light and entertaining and showed a lot of the English countryside.  

    We have too many choices to watch, but for some reason we get stuck on the same old stuff.  Part of the problem is habit.  I do my blog about 8, which means I have to get supper and dishes done  before then, which would be the best time to sit down and watch a show.  But I am busy. 

    So many problems.

    Spent part of the day today cleaning off the dining room table.  After several hours it honestly does not look much better.  

    The table was a mess because all the stuff came out of the den and Julia's room and it had to go somewhere.  Lord knows I know what to do with paper, besides stack it in piles.

    There is always tomorrow.  Or the next day.  Or the next.

    Don't forget to adjujst your clocks.....just in case you are on Mars and did not know the time changes.

    Peace and Love

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