Monday, November 15, 2021

training day

 I honestly don't know who trains who in this house

    Corki gets a night treat at about 7:30.  Since the time change, she starts pacing and barking right around 7.  She barks and barks and as much as we try to ignore it, she doesn't stop until she gets her treat.  But she is really getting it earlier than before the time change!

    But that is not the worst that is happening.

    I mix some canned dog food in with her dry food.  She gets a pill and some fish oil, a little water, 2 teaspoons of moist food, and her cup of food.  She only eats at night.  If I put food in her bowl in the morning, she ignores it.

    So....for a couple of weeks now, maybe coinciding with the time change, maybe not, she has not been eating UNLESS I help her!

    I sit on the floor, call her over, put some on my finger and she licks it off.  Then I put a glob in my hand and she licks it off.  We do this three or four times, then I leave her and she eats.

    There have been a couple of days where I have tossed her food in the morning because she did not touch it the night before.  I know she will eat whcn she gets hungry, but I do hate tossing the food.  So I hand feed her to get her going.

    Tonight she got turkey and duck instead of the ground beef and rice.  She immediately ate it without any help from me.  

    Thus, my future plan is to feed her the turkey and duck and not the ground beef.  

    I also wondered if her food bowl was too low sitting on the floor.  But she had no problem tonight, so that can't be it.  Maybe it's her way of getting attention from me.

    In any case, she has me trained to give her a treat and hand feed her.  

    Which proves she is another woman smarter than me!

Peace and Love

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