Thursday, November 11, 2021

parlez -vous?

 I tine traveled tonight

    Friend Dan and I spent time in France in 2011.  

    One of our Frenchest experiences was going to the Yellow CDafe in Arles.  This is the cafe VanGogh painted in his "Cafe at Night" work.

    We ordered pastis.  This is a liquer that is anise flavored.  When it is served, traditionally you get a caraffe of water and add it to the pastis until it becomes cloudy and more to your taste.  I believe VanGogh was a big pastis fan.

    In my best French, I asked our water for 2 pastis  He grunted and gestured.  I again asked for 2, speaking my best, though inadequate, French.  This went on for a while until he gave up and went to get  someone else.

    When the second waiter came, I again asked for 2 pastis.  He repeated what I said, but shrugged his shoulders.  For the 45th time, I again asked for pastis and suddenly he flung his arms in the air and said, "Pastis!"  Oui, I replied.  He brought us two.

    The thing is.....he said it the same way I said it! The only difference was he  threw his arms up in the air.

    Anuyway, I asked Julia to get me some pastis, which she did and I brought home.

    Dan and Linda came over this afternoon for a little visit with pastis and cheese and crackers.

    Linda had a little amount, Dan had more and I had two, since I was not going anywhere.  Jackie stuck with water.

    As we were talking about it, the subject of alcohol percentages came up.  Jackie Googled it and discoveered  pastis is 45 percent alcohol!  45%!!!  Holy crap, that's a lot.  The bottle even says 45%, but who reads the bottle?

    Needless to say, it is only 8:30 and I am ready for bed.  

    I think pastis is an acquired taste.  I like it, but I will have this bottle for a while.

    And I am always willing to share.....just have a designated driver with you.

Peace and Love

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