Tuesday, November 16, 2021

aw geez

 I am not a do it your selfer

    I think that is pretty clear to anyone who knows me.

    But....I keep trying.

    I had a little project to do.  Remove a shelf.  Some of the drywall came off.  So I bought some spackle, spackled it up, sanded it, felt it, then repainted it.

    It looks like crap.  I can see lines where the board was, dots where the screw holes were, and some bubbles that look like acne on my teen face.

    So.....what next?  I think I will scrape, sand, respackle, resand and then repaint, hoping to get a better result.  

    I am dubious.

    Over the next couple of days we are supposed to be able to see a meteor shower and a lunar eclipse.  Again, I am dubious.

    In my expereince, what that means is several nights of clouds and/or rain.  The forecasts may not call for it, but sure as shit that is what will happen.

    20 miles from me it will be clear and people will ooh and ahh at all the shooting stars they see and post great photos of the lunar eclipse.  Me?  I will curse the cloud that hangs over my head.

    I bought a rose bush last year and put it in a pot on the patio.  I slid the pot over  into a corner today to give it protection from the winds, but I am worried the roots will freeze.  I covered it, wrapped it in paper and bubble wrap and a blue tarp. I don't know if I can lift the bush.....at the same time, I don't want it to die either.  

    Life is full of dilemmas.  Or is is delamas?  Or delemmas?  How about problems.  That makes it a lot easier.

Peace and Love

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