Sunday, November 21, 2021

I'm innocent!

Sometimes I am not the one who did it 

    I am on our church board and we had a meeting today to discuss the budget.

    Some people attend in person, but three of us attend via zoom.  For me it is a matter of convenience.  It takes about 30 minutes to drive there, 90 minutes for the meeting, if we are lucky, 30 minutes back home (not factoring a Starbucks order) and it is really too long a time to leave Jackie at home by herself.

    I tend to mute myself during meetings.  I don't want the phone to be heard by everyone there, or my crunching on potato chips.

    Today, during a rather serious part of a serious topic, there came a loud and emphatic "Shit!" 

    Everyone laughed at the randomness of it.

    After the meeting, I got a call and we were chatting and the person said, "What did the Bears do to make you yell 'Shit?'"

    My reply was, it wasn't me.  I wasn't watching the Bears.  My mic was muted.

    Turns out, EVERYONE at the meeting assumed it was me, and not one of the quieter, older ladies who was also zooming.

    Now I have a quandry.  Do I rat out the other person, or do I accept the nickname "Zoom Shitter" for the rest of my time on the church board?  Which might not be too bad, since my term is up in January.

    I know, it's a tough call.

    But, unlike the 100 percent of people accused of a crime, I really am innocent!


Peace and Love

    This is the hand that cleaned the mower.....still intact.  And the hand lens is to help me read the small print directions on the power washer.  To bad computers don't have smell-o-vision.

    And Dan...the hat is from Micheal in France!!

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