Friday, January 31, 2020

500 miles, 500 miles

I exercised today

     Actually, I walked for a mile and a half.  I have been doing that periodically.
It's costing me about $4.50 per walk, the way I figure it.
     When Jackie went for a bone scan Oct. 30, I paid for three months at the hospital fitness center.  As a senior, that is $45.  For three months.  November, December, January.
     When Julia left Jan. 14 I had not yet used the center.  Since then I have gone 10 times, so it's $4.50 a turn.
     I  tried to sweet talk them into letting me go another month, but that did not go over very well.  I think I have lost my ability to sweet talk.
     I take my e-reader and my phone.  Except today, I got in there and no phone.  I was surprised because I thought I had it.
     So I went back to the car and looked.  Could not find it.
     Went back into the center and got my stuff because I really need to have the phone in case Jackie has a problem and needs me to come home.
     Went back to my car and ..... yep, there was my phone.  Back into the center for the third time, which proved to be the charm.
     I could go the the fitness center in town because that is free for me under the Silver Sneakers program.  But that place seems to be dark, crowded, noisy and sometimes it just does not smell very good.
     However, next week may see me return to the free place because I obviously don't take exercise seriously enough to spend money on it. 
     I'll just take some nose clips and leave my hearing aids at home.
Peace and Love

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