Tuesday, January 14, 2020

good bye fare wellllllll

No, I am not singing "The Sound of Music"

     Well, actually, now I am.
     The house is quiet tonight...Julia is on a big plane headed for Switzerland. 
     I did not cry at the airport, although I did tear up.
     I'm an emotional guy, what can I saw.
     One time we dropped off Emily at Drake her freshman year and I had to pull over on 80 because I was crying so hard I could not drive.
     Yet when my dad died, I don't think I shed any tears.  Funny, huh.
     I noticed something tonight, and maybe it is just me.  Between11:15 and 11:45 at least three jets passed over our house.  One was low, the other two were medium.
     I know UPS has a hub in Rockford, but I figured the Christmas rush was over.  The first one was really low and it was really loud.
     Some last day pictures.

     Sweet dreams everyone.
Peace and Love

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