Thursday, January 2, 2020

going, going

I took lights down today

     It is strangely dark on the porch tonight.  I am used to seeing the lights, but they were put away until n ext year.
     Great Household Debate on garland on the porch.  I like it, someone else does not.
     Weighing in on her side are the four strands of garland that lost their lights this year.  We only have seven strands.  I had to go out and wind lights onto the dark garland to bring it back to life.
     I also had three strands of lights go bad.  My first thought was to buy new boxes and put the dead ones in the new boxes and return them.  I did not do it, but I am sure people do because they get pissed at buying these lights and having them go bad the next year. 
     The box says long life....but I think my definition does not match theirs. 
     Of course, I could return them with the original package and receipt.  Mailing them back to China is probably not practical.  And they know that.
     Hope I can sleep....the drums of war seem to be beating louder tonight.
Peace and Love

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