Saturday, January 11, 2020


I was totally prepared for snowmagedon

     We live in the country.  If our power goes, we can not flush toilets because we will have no water. 
     So, with a prediction of freezing rain, high winds, 6 inches of snow, I prepared.  I filled containers with about 10 gallons of water.  We could use those to flush.
     I told Jackie to designate one bathroom for liquid functions and another for, well, you know. 
     As my Uncle Jim used to say about the bathrooms in his cottages in Michigan:  If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If it's brown, flush it down.
     Since we have low flow toilets, I figured we had enough water for at least a day.
     Food and tea we could prepare on the gas grill in the garage.
     Flashlights were good to go.  Phones and other electronic devices were all charged up.
     And then the snow started.  And stopped.
     The rain froze, but the power did not even flicker.
     I am not complaining, believe me!  I am very thankful that we did not lose power, and our neighbors did not lose power.
     Corki is a pill when it comes to snow.
     There was snow on the porch and sidewalk, so when she went out she peed on the porch THEN she walked out in the grass to sniff around.  Thus, (I love using that word!) I had to make sure the porch and walk were shoveled whenever she went out.
     Like I said....not a lot of snow, but some drifting on the porch.
     It's all clear now, not a snow pile or frozen dog pee in sight.
     Hoping it stays that way.
     For those of you not so lucky, be safe out there.
Peace and Love

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