Sunday, January 26, 2020

nutty, I am

I am mentally unstable

     Every time I hear about some one's illness, I have it too.  Right now I am battling three types of cancer, a heart issue, and the latest virus from China. 
     I truly scare the life out of me with my irrational fears.
     It's not just health issues.
     My life is in peril from hundreds of sources, from drunk drivers to an engine falling off a jet and crushing me when I mow the back yard.  Bears?  You betcha.  Gators?  My biggest fear, after bears, wolves, coyotes and mad turkeys.
     This is not a new thing.  But it seems to be getting worse as I get older.
     I know I need a new hip and three knee replacements.  At least I know that every time I get a twinge of pain somewhere.
     I try to take the "whatever happens, happens" philosophy.....but that does not work for me. 
     Is that chest pain The Big One or the day old taco I ate cold.  I'll tell you what I think....
     FDR said, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."  I think he was speaking to me and telling me not to be afraid.
     It does not work.
     It's almost time for the UPS flights to pass over the house on their way to Rockford.  I just hope they don't drop an engine while I try to sleep.
Peace and Love

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