Monday, January 20, 2020

close to insanity

I may be losing my mind

     I handle chaos and disorganization better than most people.  But I am reaching my limit.
     Jackie and I have moved into the blue bedroom, the one Julia sleeps in when  back home where she belongs and is loved and wanted and missed.  Ooops.  Wrong topic.
     (By the way, the vent was closed in the room.  Plenty of heat.)
     The plan was to go to bed early and get up early.  That way we could shower before the crew came to install the wood floor.
     Corki did not get the message.
     She was pacing a lot last night.  The fact we moved bedrooms seemed to really affect her.
     So at 2:44 this morning, I was awakened by the sound of a dog barking somewhere in the dark house.
     Dodging the wood, dresser, transport chair, end table and all the other pointed edged items, I found Corki laying on top of the stripped bed in our bedroom.  Just barking.
     I layed down next to her for a few minutes and petted her, but I was cold and tired.
     So I put her down and we went back to the sleeping room.  Except, she had to go out.
     Once she came in, she went to this week's bedroom.  I used the up and awake time to employ the bathroom facilities then went to bed.  In the dark.
     There was a huge lump in the bed.
     It was much bigger than Jackie's butt, but it was under the covers.  I reached down and ..... there was Croki, all snuggled in under the blankets.
     Then she crawled down to the end of the bed and stood up, sheets and  blanket covering her like a ghost.  She then umped off the bed, taking some of the covers with.
     Corki is nuttier than me.
     Anyway, project underway and I am staying out of the way.
     I forgot to take a before picture and they guys were not keen on reinstalling the carpeting so I could do you have to use your imagination.

The pile  this morning

Our dining room/dressing room/bedroom

Imagine that being carpet

At the end of the day

Wood pile is a lot smaller

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