Wednesday, January 15, 2020

not again

I see we are supposed to have another winter storm situation

     Was it The Who who sang:  "Won't Get Fooled Again?"
     Last weekend's storm was a dud.  Sure we got some snow, but nowhere near what was predicted.
     One site that gives forecasts said "Our weekend forecast sucked."  They then explained the patterns changed so quickly it was difficult to keep up with the weather.
     I am  not saying we should have a blizzard like 79 or 67, but come on!  This is January in Illinois!  We should be sledding, snowshoeing, skiing, shoveling, skidding into ditches........not walking around in shorts and t shirts like a college kid.
     By the way, I saw a guy in shorts and a t shirt today.  It was not an attractive look on the gent.
     On aanother side note, Julia is back in Switzerland and said it was 60 and sunny there.  In January.
     It's almost like something is happening to our climate.  If only scientists could study that issue and make some recommendations.
     As for me, I'm going to fill up a few more water jugs and make sure I have gas for the grill and snow blower.  Just in case.
Peace and Love

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