Friday, January 24, 2020

at sea

I was a bit confused today

     We have X number of Christmas boxes stored on a shelving unit in the basement.  I lug them up full after Thanksgiving, lug them down empty after the decorations are up, lug them up empty to put stuff away, lug them down full.....  I think I made it clear.
     How come I can't get the boxes back on the rack?  I have one box that does not fit.  Just does not make sense.
     I always park next to a light pole or tree when I go to the local Wallyworld.          Today I came out of the store, walked down the lane to a car.  Looked at another tree.  No car.  Finally I saw it and headed toward it only to find it was not my car.  I tried hitting the fob, but nothing beeped.  I was two lanes over from where I parked!  No where near a tree.  Or light pole.
     When I get dressed in the morning I have to go into the dining room to get underwear and socks.
     I help Jackie get dressed.  I bring her pants, a shirt, and all the stuff she needs to be fully dressed.
     At about 3 today she said, "These pants just don't feel right.  Where did you get them?"  I told her I pulled them out of the dryer that morning.  Then I looked.
     She was wearing my pants.
     For 7 hours.
     Old people!
     Tonight I mixed a hot chocolate with some Baileys and stepped outside.  The snow muffles all noises.  It was neat to hear the distant dogs barking and the far off wail of a train.
     So peaceful.  So beautiful in the dark.
Peace and Love

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